Promises & Blessings

Promises & Blessings In the Book of Revelation

ISBN 978-0-6453288-4-4 

Promises and Blessings in the Book of Revelation takes the reader on an interesting journey through the last book of the Bible. This study looks at seven promises to those who conquer the powers of evil and death by faith in Christ the Victor. It also looks at seven blessings for those who read, mark, learn and inwardly digest the message of the Revelation to John. 

A special feature is the inclusion of pen portraits of the Christian Martyrs of the Twentieth Century whose statues adorn the west front of Westminster Abbey in London, England. They represent countless Christians who have died in modern times for their faith in the Crucified and Risen Lord. The book of Revelation continues to speak to situations of persecution and oppression. 

In addition, there are some excursuses covering perplexing questions with intriguing answers. “Who are the angels of the seven churches?”  “What does the book of Revelation say about God and Jesus?”  “What sort of God do Christians believe in?” “What did John the Seer expect to happen soon?” “Who is past, present and future in the book of Revelation?”